Welcome to Postpartum Support Los Angeles.
I am a survivor of a severe and lengthy postpartum depression and I have recovered fully.
The purpose of this blog is to create and hold a candle of hope for those going through postpartum depression and related issues. I did not think I would ever recover from the dark and hopeless place I found myself in after giving birth. I had a healthy and happy pregnancy and was excited about the arrival of my baby. I was in no way prepared for what followed. It is by the grace of God and a lot of work on my part that I recovered and got my life back.
I will share some of my journey on this blog.
The cause and cure of postpartum depression is unknown. I speculate that a "perfect storm" of factors such as fluctuating hormone levels, lack of or limited family and social support, giving birth later in life, relationship issues and sleep deprivation may all play a role.
More posts coming soon.